在所有人事已非的景色里 我最喜歡你
在所有不被想起的快樂里 我最喜歡你


Orientation Day Busy Day

So busy~~ many things to do... luckly, i don't have to take the TOEFL test, just taking the English Placement Test, although it's harder than TOEFL because some graduate students have to take this... so I prepare to have one more listening & reading class...just don't to have grammar & writing, god bless me ~~

my orientation group leader is a South Korean girl, i feel she is little like Christina, we asked her some questions then she didn't know just said "I don't know~"... it's her first time to take this job she said it was tired but she got pay...... how i wish i can get this kind of job...and there also were two boys who speak English all the time i thought they were Korean too( one of them really looks like Korean), i saw their passports, they are Chinese too!!! Actually, i want to talk with others in English, but my English is so poor, maybe i am a little envy them...but they did make me sick!!~~

That's fine, maybe someday i'd rather speak English than Chinese... i hope i won't let others feel sick~~

In Iowa state university, perhaps Chinese is more than other international students, but Korean seems to be a big one... where i go into a hall, i saw Korean xx Church, free water free chocolate... so do Indian, many people say Indian are clever even much more clever than Chinese... i have to say they are much more hardworking than we do... and i have to say Indian women are really beautiful!~~~

YDY says: I don't like Indian girl~~I know you are Janpanese girl's fan...


Anonymous said...

Hi! I happend to visit your blog and read some of your text. Fun to read something from a person across the globe! I´m a swedish girl and have so far lived my life for 26 years. I´m working within the industrialbusiness. And you? What intresting facts about your self can you share that don´t is to be read on your blog? Nice to spot you // Love Malin Psst! Indian girls you say are beautiful and I´m ready to agree with you maybe but hey, how about us swedish girls :)????

Anonymous said...

I just write a hole lot off garbage anyway, just common allday life stuff mostly. But I love to write and like the idea off writing down thoughts as they come along in one BIG BANG! It was the fact that you had named Fight Club as a favorite that made me enter your blog. IT`S FUCKING GREAT that movie! Brilliant! It´s the only movie I have ever bought the keep with me forever so that I can see it when ever I want to. Have you seen the movie Blood diamonds? Or The Departed? See them if you havn´t. I also like spanish movies Pedro Almodovar is a great moviemaker. And also the man who have made Amores Perros and 21 grams. See them too :) Sorry, but Switzerland is a hole diffrent country than Sweden, I live two hours from Stockholm the Capital of Sweden. Do you listen to swedish music maybe? As The Cardigans? ABBA? The Hives?

Maybe in the future I will start to blog in english but until then send an email and let me know what´s up in KINA, okey?

// Malin
Ps. What e-mail do you have? I tried to reply on your message but failed. So I write to you here on your blog for now Ds.

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